Skills Development

As an Employment Assistance Service Provider, our Case Managers can assist with your job search, help you establish a realistic career goals, help identify potential employment barriers, provide support in developing a Return to Work Action Plan and, if applicable, assist in the application process for the Skills Development program

Job Junction’s Case Managers determine whether they can support a Skills Development application based on the criteria listed below. Please note that we do not make the final decision on funding, as this is determined by Employment Nova Scotia, once the application has been submitted.

The Skills Development program is for individuals who cannot find work with their current skills, and due to having employment barriers, need retraining in order to secure sustainable employment.

Eligibility Criteria

When seeking financial assistance under the Skills Development Program the following information is considered in the application process:

  • Must be currently unemployed, employed part-time (working less than 20 hours/week), or about to be unemployed (a letter from the employer indicating a permanent lay off with a specific date is required)

  • Must not already be a full-time student

  • Must have an Employment Insurance attachment, which means you are currently in receipt of regular employment insurance or you have established or ended an employment benefit period within the 60 months prior to the date of requesting assistance or a maternity/parental claim has been established within the 60 months prior to the date of requesting assistance.

  • Must have a 3 year labour market attachment – i.e. either have been employed full time or have been actively seeking full time employment for a minimum of 3 years.

  • Have been employed with gross insurable earnings of $2000 or higher annually, in at least 5 of the last 10 years.

In addition, you will be required to:

  • Demonstrate that the training you intend to pursue is needed in order for you to obtain sustainable employment, and that you cannot find work with your current skills and training (and address possible reasons why). 

  • Demonstrate that you have done an extensive job search in your current field of work using all appropriate resources to ensure that your job search is effective.   A valid job search is seen as being conducted for a period of at least 3 months in order to ensure there is a reasonable amount of time for you to search for work, apply for work, receive a response and possible interview, do follow up with employers as well as seek continuous employment opportunities. (Job Search Log must be completed). 

  • If you have completed post-secondary training within the past 5 years that resulted in a diploma, degree or certificate, this is seen as an indicator that you have marketable skills and, in most cases, should be able to find employment without further training. Training under Skills Development would not be available except under extenuating circumstances as determined by Employment Nova Scotia.

  • Demonstrate that you have a current and effective resume.  You may be required to attend a resume critique or workshop if recommended by the Case Manager.

  • Demonstrate that you are committed to the action plan by following through on all tasks such as:  showing up for appointments, being punctual, returning phone calls and e-mails and meeting assignment deadlines.

  • Conduct labour market research for the occupation for which you are seeking training. Must demonstrate that there will be opportunities for sustainable employment once the training is completed.

Click here to download the Skills Development Information Sheet

If you believe the Skills Development Program is the right fit for you, contact us at (902)-455-9675 or email us at [email protected] to make an appointment with one of our helpful case managers. 

To learn more, join our weekly Skills Development Webinar Information SessionsEmail us or call 902-455-9675 to sign up for the next available session. 

Contact us

Use the form below or call us at 902-455-9675 for faster service. Our services are available for residents of Nova Scotia only.

Be a part of OWL #80! OWL is celebrating its 15th year of helping mature job seekers find meaningful employment. 


Job Junction will be closed today, Thursday, February 13th from noon to 4:30 pm due to inclement weather.

We will reopen Friday, February 14th at 8:30 am.

Virtual services are available. Call 902-455-9675 for assistance.