Case Management is a free service supporting you in your job search and career development. Employment related services that may be available to you include employment counselling, career decision-making, job search strategies, assessment of employment needs, and provision of labour market information. Contact us to find out how you meet with a career development professional.
We offer a wide variety of workshop topics that help improve your job search skills. Find out more about our workshops by visiting our Workshop Information page or click here to view the calendar.
There are 19 computers available for use at Job Junction, including an accessible workstation. You can search online job sites, research employers, create and email résumés, and access information about effective job search tools. If you have difficulty using computers, the friendly staff at Job Junction will show you how to take advantage of the technology to perform an efficient and effective job search.
You will hand out a lot of résumés in your job search. And it’s important to fine-tune your résumé to highlight different skills and experience for different jobs. Job Junction provides free printing of your resumes and cover letters to make this process faster and more convenient.
Access to scanners and fax machines enables you to send documents like your résumé or job application.
We understand that the job search process can be difficult and frustrating, so we are here to help you to achieve your goals, and to listen to you.
Ask us about our many free services such as resume critiques, workshops, career guidance and more – available to you at no charge.
View current job postings at the Resource Centre from local and regional employers. Ask our friendly staff how to verify job postings or offers are legitimate.
Be a part of OWL #80! OWL is celebrating its 15th year of helping mature job seekers find meaningful employment.